Budget Restrictions

 LEO Budget Crisis? We Can Help

We are now offering contract Law Enforcement and Security Services to those affected by budget restrictions and budget complications.

Customizable and Scalable 
Law Enforcement

We have a layered and cost effective approach to Law Enforcement to help maximize and target your agencies or cities specific needs.

Strategies for a "New Normal"

Every agency and every city is unique. That’s why we customize every one of our Patrol Plans to fit your needs exactly. Whether it’s a small strategy or a comprehensive effort, we’ll sit down with you, listen to your requests, and prepare a customized plan to fit your budget.

Streamline Your RFP Process

We are very unique, not only in our approach, but also in our structure. Because we are truly unique, it allows your agency to retain services as a “sole source” freeing up the costly and time consuming RFP process.
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